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Kandol lake adventure


Billing lake Adventure Team visited Kandol Lake in Swat Valley from July 27 to 29, 2019. Kandol Lake is 5 KM from Lidu Village and takes 3 hours hike of average level. Lidu village is about 16 KM from Kalam and takes 2 hours jeep ride to reach there.

We left Lahore at 8:00 pm on Friday and reached Kalam next morning and immediately hired jeeps and reached Lidu camping near me site by 5:00 pm. It was drizzle along the way and even assembled our camps in rain. Camp site is at 8000 ft above sea level and was engulfed in clouds. It was lofty tress all around the valley and looks more like fairy land.

Long lake adventure camp:

what is adventure camp?

Adventure Camp is a place where camp colleague spend time outdoors, challenge themselves, and make new friends around them. Adventure Camp strives to build a supportive, growing community where camping world meet new challenging experiences and enjoy time outdoors. 

With the balance of natural connectivity and adventure activities the connecting centers will connect with the natural world in many ways. rock climbing, natural arts, photography and ancient life skills are just some of wonderful works during travel adventure. 


There was a water stream near our camping tents and it was mesmerizing whole atmosphere:


It rained whole night, and next day it was cloudy but it does look that it will spoil our hike. First challenge was breakfast, which we have arranged and cooked ourselves:


By 8:00 am, we were all prepared for the fun:


Start was bit dangerous as we have to cross over to other side of fast flowing stream here as we had same as previous one and we got healthy activities and methods promoting safety around Anyways, bridge was hardly 2 feet in width and roaring sound of water was making things more scary:


Rock climbing is a great activity for any adventure travel because it combines mental and physical challenge. The rise of all skills can improve the wall and feel complete as it reaches the top. Climbing also provides great opportunities to learn new skills and build self-confidence and eye contact. Campers can learn skills such as belaying, lead lead, and auto belay recall as a backup to reduce further risk. Don't have a wall to climb into your camp? No worries! Use the Arboreal Climbing System to challenge climbing trees.


Next it was easy, gentle walk through valley and one slowly climb by following zigzag as magic tracks like walk the dinosaur:


At times one need slight stop over to catch the breadth and take some celsius energy drink:


After one and half hour hike, track ends and jungle begins. One has find his way by own judgment and keeps proper direction, mostly its steep climb:


It’s getting tougher and hard to walk:


After further 30 minutes hard hike, we find ourselves in open valley:


Soon it becomes rocky and we can feel that lake is approaching soon:


Here comes first glimpse of the lake adventure:


But to get better view of lake water one has to go to an island about 60 feet away and has to cross water stream:


At few places water was 3 feet deep, looks calm on surface but it was fast flowing underneath and one can feel water push on legs, but it’s a part of adventure time.

Wow Look at the Lake water adventure. Majestic 10


We stayed there for over one hour, prepared tea and had lunch, We started back journey at 1:30 PM and was at camp site by 4:00 PM.

Rest is now part of our sweet memories. Its beautiful Pakistan, we love you.

If you have any issue or problem related post, comments below to shares your experience. Your comments/suggestion is always welcome for us to improvement.

Thank you!


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