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Visit to village Moza Bahanay The Memorable Place


The beautiful village of Pakistan, which I have visited and this village is exist 100 kilo meter from Multan city and finally place which we have plan to go was moza bahanay, So I have decided to planed firstly Lahore to Multan and start journey at night from Abdul Hakeem Motorway/M-3 and its destination is round 348 Km from Lahore and its located at Southern side of Punjab, Multan city has some great history and peoples live there have attracted the sufi saints. So, Multan have many famous and memorable places.


When we have entered in Multan city, We have seen the roads is very smooth and watched many small and big towns around our way and We stayed here and have taken tea with biscuit and relax body for 30 minutes, We have seen big hustle and bustle in this city.


The Moza Bahanay Traditions

The final destination of our plan was village moza bahanay, So, We have not stayed for a long in Multan and start journey to our final destination and reached finally at our final destination at early morning. A morning was so freshly looking valley village weather awesome, mostly single story of building the villagers made from soils and iron rods. The kurta, loose shirt or dhoti tehmad included mostly a tradition of man dress and shalwar kameez and dupahtta is a women dress and likes jewelry like big bangles, earring, nose pin etc, Their Bridge are loaded with gold which show gold is her weakness.



Pure and Healthy Food

The whole village is cover with dark green grass and aged tall trees and they use water in everyday life from the adjacent wells. They used hand pump to obtaining the ground cold water. They use fresh healthy food, fresh cow milk and clean air for breathing and they use home tradition herbs for cough, flue, or some common disease and only go to hospital in mishandling situation and in serious disease. in fact mostly villages of Pakistan have same drawback that they have very less medical facilities in rural areas.




Language and Life of People 

The people of that village speak saraiki language and some speak other language, while visiting the village I have realized how people live in village in very limited resource and they are still happy and have an enjoyable life in fantasy village. The government bay village school exists only in these areas with limited space and resource, so mostly children watch their parent and families struggle to agriculture, farming etc.

The village life is type of struggle and poverty, and mostly people is a laborers and hard work So villager may also consider their children as an assets in this related field and earning as required to full fill their basic needs only.



River Chenab

No doubt, there life is so tough but they are really tolerant and entertain their guest without any rewards. There is a big river exist there called River Chenab and We have enjoy boating also a great experience to relax and enjoy the sights.




Barter System

The very surprising things I have noted that there is still barter system exists now a days and a very few amount of money those people have and people exchange things through barter system and I felt I reached in oldest life of human when no money exists.

If you have any issue or problem related post, comments below to shares your experience. Your comments/suggestion is always welcome for us to improvement.

Thank you!


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