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build your own laptop safe and sound

Startup and Maintenance procedure

Laptops have become more importance in everyday life, so it is clear that there are many issues linked to laptops that give us headaches at least once in a week or a month. People who are way busy with their work do not have the time to maintenance procedures recommended by the company, which reduces the life of the laptop considerably as laptops are carefully designed and should be handled with great care.


Laptop Maintenance Tips

I want all experienced which I found with my laptop in different time, So, I have come up some easy laptop maintenance tips that you should follow and will keep your laptop safe and error free that make your system more fast.


Demand and Budgeted Laptop

Firstly how to build your own laptop according to your demand and budget and do not dump too many programs into your laptop. You may argue that today’s processors can hold any number of programs; well it is somehow true. Laptop processors are way more delicate than modern computer desktop processors, the more and more programs you load on your laptop; it will be pushed to the limit and may break down at some point. Must have a look at your programs at least once a week and remove the unwanted according to your choice.


Avoid Unnecessary Processes

Do not let too many unnecessary processes run on your laptop. Explore the processes that are running on your laptop, If it is an unwanted one, make sure you stop them and also make sure that they don’t start robotically on your next restart and you can do this will the help of options like Msconfig ex, get appropriate help if you not sure about which process to stop, this will help to increase the desktop loading speed.


Playing the Game

You can play games on your laptop. But loading a game that is 30GB and playing it all the time can critically jeopardize the performance of your laptop parts especially the processor, keyboard, etc. Load games that do not stress the processor or if play online games, this will keep your laptop idol or held going for a long time.


Charging the Laptop

Never plug in the charger to the laptop until the laptop is wet and remove the charger when your laptop battery is full, This practice will increase your laptop battery life and more safe condition to use the laptop.


Wrong Liquid or Chemical is harmful

Do not use any wrong liquid or chemical to clean your laptop screens, laptop screens have fragile coatings on them and if you use the wrong chemical to clean your laptop, it may spoil on the screen permanently. Use a dry smooth cloth to clean your laptop screens, when you eating or drinking must keep your laptop away, and don’t clean your screen too oftentimes.


Disc area Sensitivity

The disc area of the laptop may be affected quickly if you use it badly and do not use more time CD/DVD unless and until is much needed. Burning DVDs sometimes decrease the life of the player and batteries.


Installation of multiple antivirus Program

Do not install more than one antivirus on your laptop having more antivirus may lead to some unwanted and heavy processes being started. So it is recommended to install only one and best free antivirus Reddit on your laptop and update it accordingly time by time to maintain the laptop safe and sound.

Always install your desktop to do things like rendering a complex media file etc. Laptop processors have limited capabilities and cannot handle things like rendering a complex animation file together.


Battery Consciousness

Do not plug-in things like USB or other devices to show up when the laptop is running on batteries, laptops are never designed to run them and it will make your battery dead.

It is better to sell your old laptop and buy the latest one or to upgrade individual parts in the old laptop. Because the components of the laptop are designed to match accordingly you are getting to build your own laptop ultimately.


Cleaner Program

Always, install free programs like Ccleaner and clean unwanted files, do disk fragmentation at least once a month, and must sure the partitions in the laptop are equally done. It makes the system faster and more secure to become optimized.

Do not let your laptop heat up. If your laptop is hot, it either means that there is no proper airing or the processor is strained. In this case, you can turn off the laptop and turn it in later on.
Always, treat your laptop like a friend and not like an electronic gadget. This will maintain your laptop superb and friendly.


If you have any issue or problem related post, comments below to shares your experience. Your comments/suggestion is always welcome for us to improvement.

Thank you!


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